:: Teach Yourself Physical Chemistry Visually in 24 Hours ::
The entire rapid learning course includes:
- 24 Rich-Media Tutorials (Chapter Movies)
Core concept tutorials with on-screen visualization and expert narration via our signature Rapid Learning System.
- 24 Problem-Solving Quizzes (Interactive Drills)
Feedback-based problems with a scoring system to track performance and complete solution to review concepts.
- 24 Super-Review Cheat-sheets (PDF Printables)
One cheat sheet per chapter and all key concepts in an at-a-glance single sheet, both printable and laminable, ideal for exam prep and quick review.
- 24 Printable eBooks
One eBook per chapter, an easy-to-read print version of the tutorial video.
- 24 MP3 AudioBooks
One AudioBook per chapter for learning-on-the-go on any MP3 player or smart phone.
RL108 - Physical Chemistry Visually in 24 Hours
Course Desciption: This visual series is designed for anyone whose major is either physical science, life science or engineering. Not self-learned, you will be taught each and every physical chemistry topic, visually and rapidly. This course is constructed to meet most mainstream textbooks and university curricula with focus on core concepts and problem solving. To get you prepared, the tutorial series starts out with the easy review of chemistry, physics and math required for physical chemistry. The first part of this course will cover the laws of thermodynamics, equilibirum, phases, electrochemistry, biochemical thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, electronic structure, symmetry, group theory and statistical mechanics. The second part of the course will study molecular spectroscopy, kinetics and dynamics, solid state chemistry and the guide to the lab.
This rich-media course is specifically designed for immersion study with intensity, one hour per chapter with the total of 24 chapters. Master this hard subject with expert narration in an easy-to-follow system. Instead of reading the static texts yourself slowly, let our professors teach you visually and rapidly.
Study Guide: For a free chapter-by-chapter content study guide, download and print our Physical Chemistry Course Guidebook (56-page eBook in downloadable PDF).
For Whom: Students who are either currently taking physical chemistry or to learn this subject at self-paced. This is speficially for students who are having difficulty with the class now and need a premium supplement for quick turn-around via rich-media learning.
Pre-requisite: College Chemistry (RL103), College Physics (RL301) and College Calculus (RL411)
Free Preview:
- To preview the core tutorial, problem drill and cheat sheet on this 24-hour visual series, click the link below to get instance access.
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Physical Chemistry Core Concept Tutorial Series
This series provide simple yet easy-to-understand tutorials in flash movies for core concepts in physical chemistry – the ones that are fundamental yet difficult to master.
Core Unit 1 – The Foundation
- Tutorial 01: Chemistry and Physics Reviews for Physical Chemistry
- Tutorial 02: Math Review for Physical Chemistry
Core Unit 2 – Thermodynamics and Equilibrium
- Tutorial 03: Zeroth and First Laws of Thermodynamics
- Tutorial 04: Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics
- Tutorial 05: Chemical Equilibrium
- Tutorial 06: Phase Equilibrium and Phase Diagrams
- Tutorial 07: Equilibrium Electrochemistry
- Tutorial 08: Thermodynamics of Biochemical Reactions
Core Unit 3 – Quantum Mechanics
- Tutorial 09: Quantum Mechanics I: Basics and Principles
- Tutorial 10: Quantum Mechanics II: Techniques and Applications
- Tutorial 11: Atomic Structure and Spectra
- Tutorial 12: Molecular Electronic Structure and Bonding
- Tutorial 13: Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory
- Tutorial 14: Statistical Mechanics
Core Unit 4 – Molecular Spectroscopy
- Tutorial 15: Rotational and Vibrational Spectroscopy
- Tutorial 16: Electronic Spectroscopy
- Tutorial 17: Laser, Laser Spectroscopy and Photochemistry
- Tutorial 18: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Core Unit 5 – Kinetics and Dynamics
- Tutorial 19: Kinetic Theory of Gases and Transport Processes
- Tutorial 20: Chemical Kinetics I: Rate Laws
- Tutorial 21: Chemical Kinetics II: Reaction Mechanisms
- Tutorial 22: Molecular Reaction Dynamics
- Tutorial 23: Solid State and Surface Chemistry
Core Unit 6 – Physical Chemistry Experiments
- Tutorial 24: The Guide to Physical Chemistry Labs