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Topic Review on "Electrochemistry":

Electrochemistry studies how chemical and electrical energy are converted.

Oxidation numbers & Redox reactions
Oxidation numbers are the charge on an atom if the electrons involved in the bond are assigned to the more electronegative atom in the bond.  When oxidation numbers change during a chemical reaction, it is a redox reaction.

Oxidation number method of balancing
The oxidation number method is used for balancing simple redox reactions that cannot be easily balanced by the inspection method.  It includes:

  • Determine the oxidation numbers of each atom. 
  • Determine the net change in charge.  Use the net change to determine the ratio of atoms that would cancel out the net charge change.
  • Use the ratio as coefficients in the simplest compounds containing those elements.
  • Finish balancing by the inspection method.

Half-reaction method of balancing
The half-reaction method is for the most difficult redox reactions:

  • Use oxidation numbers to determine what’s oxidized and what’s reduced.
  • Write two half-reactions, one for reduction and one for oxidation
  • Balance all elements except H and O using inspection method.
  • For an acid redox reaction: Balance the O’s by adding H2O to the side needing more O.  For a base redox reaction: Balance O by adding twice as many OH- to the side needing more O.
  • For a acid redox reaction: Balance the H’s by adding H+ to the side needing more H’s.  For a base redox reaction:  Balance H’s by adding H2O to the side needing more H’s.
  • Determine the charge of each side of each reaction.  Balance the charges by adding electrons to the side with the more positive charge for each reaction.
  • Multiply the half-reactions by factors that will allow the electrons to cancel out.
  • Add the two half-reactions back together.

Voltaic cells
A voltaic cell separates the reduction and oxidation reaction and forces the electrons to flow over a wire (producing electricity) from the oxidation reaction (at the anode) to the reduction reaction (at the cathode).  The cell consists of the two separate half reaction, metal electrodes and a wire for conducting the electrons, and a salt bridge for balancing the charge build-up to extend the time the cell will operate.  Line notation is a short-hand way of describing a cell:

  • Anode written first
  • Reactants written 1st on each side
  • Anode & Cathode separated with ║
  • Different states of matter within same side separated with │
  • Same states of matter within same side separated with a comma

Cell potentials
The cell potential (or electromotive force) of a voltaic cell is due to the potential energy difference of the electrons before the transfer and after the transfer.  A standard reduction potential is the potential that would be produced between a given half-reaction and hydrogen (hydrogen’s standard reduction potential has been defined as 0).  The standard reduction potentials can be used to calculate the cell potential: EMF = cathode – anode.  Positive EMF values indicate a spontaneous process.

Electrolytic cells
An electrolytic cell is the opposite of a voltaic cell.  An electrolytic cell converts electrical energy into chemical energy by forcing a reaction to proceed in the non-spontaneous direction by putting electricity in.  The voltage need to force the reaction in the opposite direction is at least that produced by the spontaneous process.

Rapid Study Kit for "Electrochemistry":
Flash Movie Flash Game Flash Card
Core Concept Tutorial Problem Solving Drill Review Cheat Sheet

"Electrochemistry" Tutorial Summary :

Electrochemistry is the study of the inter-change between chemical and electrical energy. This tutorial begins explains oxidation states, redox reactions, and balancing redox reactions from earlier tutorials. Voltaic cells, line notation standard cell potential and electromotive force (cell potential) are explained, along with electrolytic cells.

Tutorial Features:

Specific Tutorial Features:

  • Review of redox content from earlier tutorials
  • Particle animation of voltaic cell and explanation of components of cell.

 Series Features:

  • Concept map showing inter-connections of new concepts in this tutorial and those previously introduced.
  • Definition slides introduce terms as they are needed.
  • Visual representation of concepts
  • Animated examples—worked out step by step
  • A concise summary is given at the conclusion of the tutorial.

"Electrochemistry" Topic List:
  • Oxidation states
  • Redox reaction
  • Balancing redox reactions
    • Oxidation Number method
    • Half-Reaction method
  • Voltaic cells
    • Composition
  • Cell potentials
    • Standard reduction potential
    • Voltaic cell potential
  • Electrolytic cells
  • Electrochemistry and free energy
  • Electrochemistry and equilibrium

See all 24 lessons in college chemistry, including concept tutorials, problem drills and cheat sheets:
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